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Monday, March 29, 2010

Chic-Fil-A tonight for Run For Compassion!

Tonight, Monday March 29, we are having a profit share at the Chic-Fil-A in College Station! If you come in between 5-8pm and give us your receipt, Run For Compassion will get a share of the profit. This helps us send the more money to the Child Survival Program! (Insert Whoop! if you are an Aggie.)

Please register for the run if you haven't already, or register as a donor and or volunteer. If you donate $20 or more, you can get a t-shirt too. (You will be responsible for picking it up. I can't deliver or mail them to everyone.)You can do all of this on our site www.runforcompassion.com

I need volunteers desperately, so if you are available, volunteer on race day! It will be fun!

I have high hopes of reaching our goal of $8,000 to the CSPs in Haiti and Ethiopia. It seems impossible, unlikely, far-fetched, but I am still praying for it. I feel so privileged to be a small partner with the work Compassion is doing through the Child Survival Program. You can be too!

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Defeating The Big 6 Baby-Killers

Below is an excerpt from the Child Survival Program website www.rescuebabiesnow.org
Do you know the Big 6 Baby-Killers? Would you have guessed that they are all preventable? The right food, hydration, clean water, some medicine. These are all things our children have, but millions of children around the world do not. Subsequently, 25,000 children die EVERYDAY of the Big 6. Read about it.
This is why we are doing Run For Compassion! You can be apart of the solution! Saving the lives of children and helping to free them from poverty, IN JESUS' NAME! Not only do they receive physical life, they hear the gospel and are ministered to by the local church, partnered with Compassion.
Here is more about the Big 6...

In your household, diarrhea probably isn't a life or death situation. Yet in developing countries, diarrhea is one of the Big 6 Baby Killers, causing the death of 1.5 million babies every year.

All of the Big 6 Baby Killers—diarrhea, pneumonia, malaria, measles, HIV/AIDS, and malnutrition—are preventable or treatable.

Compassion, working through local churches and Survival Specialists, provides practical solutions like vaccinations, access to doctors, malaria nets, antibiotics, and education.

Be apart of the solution! Register to run or walk, or donate on our website, www.runforcompassion.com and 100% of your registration fee is donated directly to Compassion's Child Survival Programs in Ethiopia and Haiti.