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Friday, January 12, 2007

Let's Throw a Party!

He did it!!!!
He slept all night! Not until 3. Not until 4. Until 6:20! I was already up! It was amazing!
He deserves an award...he deserves a cookie...though he has not teeth- that doesn't stop Justus from trying to feed him his favorite food. POPCORN. He deserves whatever he wants. A car when he's 16. As long as he will do this again. Now we're not new to this game. We know this may not happen again for 2 months. But he has done it, and we are ecstatic.
Sleep has always been a favorite of mine, so this makes me want to throw a party.

This pic is just thrown in for my family, and for his former foster family, the Le Walls. They are baseball fans. It apalls my family, but my kids have never been to a baseball game. They hardly know baseball exists. My brothers have told me in no uncertain terms what kind of parent this makes me. But neither Rusty or I are baseball fans really. Rusty will watch whatever sport is on TV, but he doesn't follow baseball carefully. (Like he does college football.) So...go Stro's? Here's the Bacak's show of support. Treston in an Astros cap, given to Justus by Nana and Pop-Pop. How cute is he?


Anonymous said...

Happy sleep through the night Treston Day!!!! Enjoy your celebration...can you put popcorn in the blender?

Anonymous said...

Oh, too cute! But remember Treston did go to an Astros game when he was 1 month old! It would be hard for me to count how many little league games he went to - about 12 probably. He was so cute in his baseball outfits (too many to count).

I'm glad he's sleeping all night for you now - I didn't know he hadn't been. It is truly a celebration when that happens - a feeling that you can now do anything!