Just wanted to take the opportunity to say Happy Mother's Day to my blessed wife (and my babies' mama) Jenn.
As Butch preached on a Proverbs 31 woman, the rhetorical question at the beginning: "A wife of noble character, who can find?" - I'll answer that - I have found that woman (or God found her for me - I majorly married up). Seriously - every aspect of Prov 31, Jenn has developed in to. She is the most Godly person I know - truly seeking the Lord in everything, especially in her role as mother and wife. Her growth in the Lord and the Word is phenomenal and humbling to watch. Her encouragement and support of me (who SO needs a helper at all times) is amazing. She is the most incredible mother to the kids. Her ability to nuture and develop our FOUR (YES 4!!!) children is a pleasure to watch. She knows exactly how those little munchkins tick.
She is a phenomenal homeschool teacher. Her ability to teach our kids so much has been mindboggling. Emma and Jax and now Justus have learned to love learning and are little sponges of knowledge because of their mommy's diligence and passion for their education. Most importantly, she makes sure that they are growing first and foremost in their knowledge of the Lord.
She is a picture perfect wife who helps me lead beyond my abilities. She makes our home a pleasure (and with 4 kids that is pretty phenomenal!!!!). We are blessed beyond all measures to have her and we love her so much! Younger women - aspire to be this Godly woman! Young men - find a woman of this caliber (and what are you doing reading my wifes's blog!?) although she is hard to find... wait for her.
Emma says: "She is very beautiful and kind. She is very sweet and we love her very much. SHe is a very good teacher and we do homeschooling. She cooks us our food and takes care of the house. She buys us stuff we need and she helps us with difficult stuff. She is the sweetest mother I could ever have. And she is even better than the best mother."
Jax says: "She is the best mommy in the whole world. She is so beautiful. The bestest mom. She washes my clothes so good. You fold laundry so good. You are very beautiful. You swing us. You take us to sonic! You take us to Chick Fillet."
Justus: "You're so butiful! We love watching a movie. I love mommy."
Rusty anf the kids.
This is my favorite job ever.
I'm SO far from perfect in it, despite the picture my husband just painted.
But I'm overwhelmingly grateful for a husband who praises me, and my house full of noise and kisses and giggles and everything else that makes this house full.
I love you, family!!!
Happy Mothers Day Jenn.
Enjoy your day.
Rusty, I love seeing a husband appreciate his wife for the wonderful wife and mother she is. Many stay at home moms are not appreciated for all the work they do and many Christian moms are not valued for the influence they have on their little one's hearts. Happy Mother's Day Jenn.
You are an amazing mom and I'm so proud of you!
i love you,
Everything you say is so true, Rusty!!! Well said! Jenn, HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY! I love you and miss you tons!
jenn! happy mother's day! i am so inspired by you that i started a blog! haha
love you! ana
I am so blessed by this AMAZING woman. Rusty - you were right, she is incredible. I am so thankful for the opportunity to sit (okay, that doesn't happen much in the Bacak house, but you know what I mean) and learn from her!! I know that if I ever marry, my husband and children will be greatly blessed by all the wonderful things I have learned from Jenn.
I am so thankful for you Jenn!! I love you and Happy (Belated) Mothers' Day!!
You do wash clothes good! That was a sweet, sweet blog post from your hubby.
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