7 years...7 freaking years! Where did they go? I could not possibly have a seven-year-old. And yet this articulate little girl with two front teeth missing is here, and I can hardly believe it!
There's something about your first baby...it's not that you love them any more than the others, it's just that you learned how to love as a parent starting with them. I remember the day I brought her home, and was rocking her in our sweet little yellow glider, nursing her, marveling at her, and crying. Rusty came in and asked me "What's wrong?" and I simply answered, like a blubbering, hormonal new Mom, "I just love her so much!!!"(sob, sob) God taught me so much about love through her. I learned that God's love is unfathomable. I loved her so much instantly, and God's love for her far surpassed that! I couldn't wrap my tiny mind around that. I also learned and appreciated suddenly how much my parents' loved me. Wow! I didn't really get that before Emma's birth.
I watched the video last night of the days before and after Emma's birth with her. We got to take in the moments just after delivery, when she came into the world. Priceless footage. (No, there was no footage of the actual delivery. I didn't scar her for life or anything.) She got to watch the first time Rusty and I crowded around her with tears in our eyes, sleepless, exhausted, in pain (well, I was; not so much Rusty), and completely oblivious to anything but her. She loved hearing about the details of bringing her home. It was great. What a day to celebrate. I came through a 40+ hour labor with her, and yet nothing else mattered. God brought us such a precious gift.
We had no idea who'd she be. I never could have dreamed up this crazy, unique little person. So here's my top 7 things I LOVE about our Emma:
1. She knows more about animals than I do. Seriously. Being her teacher is challenging. She thinks every unit study we take on is unbelievably fascinating. From dinosaurs, to Mayan culture, to presidents. It doesn't matter. She will read every library book I bring home, and then weave all of that into her imaginary world in which she lives. Like this week, we're studying the Mayans. She created her own Mayan costume out of butcher paper and feathers, for fun. She creates her own assignments for her work that are far more fascinating than the ones I come up with. Her creativity and love for learning make her so fun!
2. She is beautiful and talented on a horse. She has been riding for over 2 years now, and it's a sight to behold. She is AT HOME on a horse, and always has been. It's amazing to me.
3. She says "best" all the time, in place of the word but or except...or just whenever.
4. She lives in an imaginary world in which she is always some sort of animal. Always.
5. Her heart belongs to the Lord. She begs for more and more Bible stories. She eats them up, and stores them in her heart and mind. Her prayers are precious and honest. She loves Jesus!
6. Her very best friend is her brother, and she is pleased to have him with her all the time, co-joining their imaginary worlds. She is a super big sister, and adores all babies! She's going to be an awesome Mommy someday!
7. She can climb a tree much higher than is probably safe. She can't resist a good climbing tree. I love that!
I said I'd stop at 7, so I will. But all that to say, we love you Emma! You are unbelievably special, and we cannot wait to see how God grows you into a woman who loves and fears God with her whole heart, and serving Him with her life. You are a blessing to your Dad and me! Happy Birthday!
I, too, enjoyed remembering Emma's entrance into the world. It took forever but what an amazing moment!
She is a very special little girl and reminds me more of you everyday. (this is a good thing!) I can't believe she is 7 years old.
I love you, Emma!
Happy Birthday Emma!
You sure are a sweet and fun girl. I love that you love Jesus too! That makes you even cooler.
Is this like birthday month or 2 months at the Bacak's or something? Haven't you guys had a lot of birthdays lately? I feel like every time I'm checking your blog someone is having a birthday.
So fun!
Okay, maybe that was August! I have to get a calendar. I'm used to having a cute little calendar on my desk, but since we aren't in our house, my life is all sorts of whack!
Happy Birthday, Emma!
We love you!
The Hendricks
Happy Birtday Emma! I loved watching the movie of your birth and those first moments/days of your precious life. You are such a treasure to me. I'm sorry I missed cake with HOPE group on Tuesday, but I hope your birthday was incredible! I love you!!
Happy Birthday, Emma! We love you!
Uncle D and Aunt Shelby
happy birthday my sweet Emma! i miss your face and hugs! love you!
Happy Birthday Emma!!
I hope it is a wonderful day.
Ms, Kathryn, Michael and Alex
Happy Happy birthday, Emma!
8.plus...she is an outstanding interpretive artist!
That comment just thrilled her Jamie!
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