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Friday, July 20, 2007

Fun in the Sun- Viva La Padre!!!!

We are having a blast.
I have to brag on my fearless Emma. She is a boogie boarding machine!!!
She conquers the giant waves on her little board, and if she gets sucked in by a big one, she just pops her little head up, and goes for the next one.
She is truly a ferocious surfer girl!
One time she swallowed so much sea water, she threw up, and then went back in.
She goes out with Rusty or Matt and Nick, and they have been in awe of her.
What six-year-old girl does these sort of things???
Tonight is our last night, and we are sorrowful.
We went to the beach tonight for a little photo shoot. The beach is such a family photo op. Carissa, our personal talented photographer took some great shots.
There's a great one of Treston and all four of his godparents-Matt & Erin, and Nick & Carissa. Precious.
We are ready to plan next year's trip!
Viva La Padre in 08!


Garratts said...

Treston is cracking me up. He is like Mr. Photogenic in all the pictures.

What a beautiful family!


Jon and Sally said...


The Secret Life of Kat said...

This is random, but I found your blog through Brian's which Shaun pointed me to.

I think I we lived on the same hall in Collins I was in rm 441.

Anyway, I thought I'd say hi. You have a beautiful family.

Kathryn, Michael and Alex said...

What a fun time for ya'll. It is so good to get away.
Way to go Emma!!

Anonymous said...

way cute pictures!
glad you guys had fun!

Hendrick Family said...

What a beautiful family...and beautiful ladies on those stairs.

But would you please come home?

When I think about you, I want to think of you in your house again.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jenn,
Thanks for letting us watch your family! I grew up Lutheran and am familiar with Godparents, but never knew that Baptists selected Godparents also - is that something most do or ??? I'm anxious to let the rest of the family see his latest pic - he looks like he's gotten quite a tan. Thanks for the swing - had I sent the tray with it, as it didn't come back. Maybe it's in Sara's car?

Amanda said...

These pics are great!! I can tell you had a GREAT time. I am glad you got to go and take a break and get a bit of a tan. Love you!!

The Houstons said...

Hi, Jenn. Our blog is at houstoncentral.blogspot.com!