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Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Homeschooling- Not just for Weirdos anymore!

We have decided to homeschool this year, after MUCH prayer and consideration.
(Okay, it's possible that we ARE weirdos.)
I know what some of you are thinking.
I used to be the biggest opponent of homeschooling.
I've already noticed, when I told some people we were considering it, I got the glazed over look in their eyes, and the slow nod...saying nothing.
I used to do that, thinking to myself "Your kids are going to be weird, and you are CRA-ZEEEE in the head!" I literally thought you were insane to think you could solely be responsible for your children's education. If my kids ended up educationally messed-up, I wanted to blame someone else!
Plus, I don't like to wear Prairie dresses!
However...I could not find rest in my decision for Emma and Jax's education this year, even though I really liked their school. Emma had a great time in her school last year, but was still not learning the basics, despite being taught them in school. I wondered if she had a learning disability, for real. Then I started doing "school" at home, working on letters and pre-reading skills. She has done beautifully, and is ready and dying to read!
Over the years, people have mentioned the words "ridelin" (sp?) to me when talking about her. She doesn't need medication; she needs one-on-one instruction, and constant stimulation.
Jax just wants to follow Emma.
So this year, we have decided to save almost $4,400 in private school costs, and try this for a year. (This was stretching us too thin financially, and stressing me out.)
We are not locked into one educational method. Our kids could end up in public school someday, or private school (if we win the lottery.) But for this year, we are going to give homeschooling a shot.
When we first started considering this, it gave me instant bouts of IBS. It terrified me. But as some of you know, I used to teach Pre-K and K (Deaf Ed), and I loved it! Kindergarten has always been my absolute favorite age! So I am super excited when looking at my lesson plans at the fun, hands-on things we will be doing.
I haven't got it all figured out yet, but my husband, the only other bigger opponent to homeschooling than I, has decided we should do this. We are excited, and nervous, about what this year will be like. But I know that God equips us for every good work! (2 Tim. 3:17)
I am thankful for the people in my life who are not weird, and neither are their children, who do this very well. I am seeing more and more Moms just like me considering this for various reasons. I don't know what is ahead in the long-term. Thankfully, I don't have to know.
For now, I'm just going to break out the prairie dresses!

1 comment:

Cindy Seay said...

homeschool rocks! i didnt turn out THAT bad! i am happy for you! have fun! you will be a GREAT teacher! i love you!
