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Monday, August 07, 2006

Snakes on a Plane

It's as if a movie writer saw into my nightmares, and decided to make a movie out of it.

The whole movie is about snakes...LOTS of them...on a small, tightly closed-in space.
My skin is seriously crawling as I'm writing this. I already feel like there are snakes on me.
I would not see this movie if you payed me money...
or if you offered to pay my children's way through college...
or if you could cure me of aging, acne, my addiction to sugar, or stretchmarks.

Nothing on God's green earth could convince me to see this horrible movie.

Why would anyone?


Kendra said...

Oh my goodness! DITTO completely! I HATE HATE HATE snakes and have nightmares about them all the time. And what a dumb movie premise, but I can't even watch the previews or I am guaranteed a nightmare that night. If you want a good laugh you can have Allen tell you my snake story, but I can't bear to tell it myself. Ughh! Awful creatures!

Hendrick Family said...

Hello? Why don't they just land the dumb plane? Duh.

Jennifer Bacak said...

Because there's snakes crawling on them. Could you land a plane? Nope, because I've seen you with a giant moth thing flying around you. Not pretty.
I think this is what hell is going to be like. We've got to tell people about Jesus, for real!